Health products are widely available through online and physical stores. Mostly, people read reviews online to check if the products are effective or not because our health is important to make sure that what we are using can help us to relieve any health problem.

One one the most common product nowadays that are using by women is FASCIABLASTER by Ashley Black. Most of us didn’t know what fascia is. Many of us are suffering or experiencing fascia injury. During our excessive physical movements, we can feel discomfort and pain. It is because fascia in our body or affected area becomes tense and strained. As we suffer from pain, we want to have an effective product that can ease the pain from suffering from this. Through the positive reviews on the Internet, many women have been shared their testimony in using the product.


Why does product reviews are important?

  • Branding – It is the most important because you are giving the customers what to expect from the company. It also makes a memorable impression on your clients. It is a unique strategy for every product to be different from others. It is a way for the product to be distinguished from other competition and become recognizable for the customers.
  • Marketing – The goal of every company is to sell its product. Marketing is a valuable tool to help you reach your potential customers and sell your products and services. It builds awareness of the product brand and engages in customers. They provide customer education based on the reviews from different stories of people who have already experienced using the product. The goal of Marketing is to ensure the growth of the business through the success of the product. Through reviews or social posts, you can spread the word to new potential customers.
  • Trust – By building trust between the company and customers, you are improving the business’ reputation. It is showing that the company value the worth of their customers. In building the trust of the customer, the company should listen to the response of the audience. The company must stay connected with them. Companies should be transparent about everything about the product. They should let the customers feel that their concerns are heard.
  • Quality – It is the most consideration of customers in buying products online. Through reviews, they get to know the experiences of people who have used it already. It is a great way to get and convince new customers to buy — also, a great way of maintaining the customer’s loyalty. The companies reputation for quality can be easily gained through open positive reviews from different customers who honestly shared their personal experiences in using their products.

Product review is an essential part of building loyalty to the customers. In the online world where we are exposed to lots of products, product reviews from consumers are very important in our decision making if we will buy a particular product.